Rabu, 04 Juni 2014

Indonesian Java Surfing

About Surfing
In the dry season, April to October, swells swinging up from the Roaring 40s and Howling 50s march south-west across the Indian Ocean. Combined with south-east trade winds the west of Java around Cimaja holds the most viable options. Sea temperatures remain steady at around 28°C or 82°F. The centre of the island is mainly fringed by offshore islands or treacherous volcanic beaches devoid of surfable reefs. Until G-Land at eastern end holding perhaps the most famous wave in the region. Even during the off season when the trade winds switch to west there are still classic waves to be had at both ends of the island.
Surfer friendly places to stay near some great surf spots. Including camp-sites, hostels, hotels, B&Bs and surf lodges.

A curve of decent beachbreaks are the backdrop for this long left shelf running down the eastern headland of the bay from Tanjung Layar. This wave has many moods and swells rear up from deep water, shifting around a bit, sometimes more hollow on take-off but generally a fast wall and always plenty of power. Should be more protected from the SE trades, but gets a nasty cross chop on it in the arvo, so get there early. Cheap accommodation in the village or take a boat from Cimaja.
 for acomodation to sawarna http://cartraficsolution.blogspot.com/

Kamis, 12 September 2013

Pantai Sawarna Bayah



Pantai sawarna treletak di Privinsi Banten Jawa Barat,tepatnya berada di desa Bayah,
pantai ini merupakan pantai yang masih natural, jarang kita temui sampah di pantai sawarna tersebut,
pantai sawarna ini juga merupakan surganya para peselancar (surfing) banyak para peselancar berdatangan ke pantai sawarna ini,mulai dari penduduk local sampai ke mancanegara,,maka jika berkunjung kesana tidak asing lagi jika kita melihat kebanyakan pengunjung berasal dari berbagai negara. 

Anda dapat menikmati pemandangan dan suara deburan ombak yg begitu kencang di pantai sawarna ini dengan sambil ber duduk duduk santai di pinggir pantai ini.

bagi anda pencinta seci dan fotographer,di pantai sawarna ini begitu banyak objeck2 yang menarik,mulai dari karang, ombak yg menjulang tinggi, sampai hantaman ombak yang begitu kencangnya menghantam karang, sampai view makhluk laut yg berada di antara karang2 tersebut dapat kita liahat dan kita sentuh..

Bagi anda yang berniat atau ingin berkunjung ke pantai sawarna berikut ini kami tawarkan beberapa option paket seperti di bawah ini :